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名师谈写作 | 高中生如何写好概要写作?(附写作思路与分析)

2023-09-21 08:12:06 00

【任务呈现】 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Education is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school is one of the most common types, though self-teaching and so-called “life experiences” can also be included.



Education is generally defined as the process of learning and acquiring information. Formal learning in a school is one of the most common types, though self-teaching and so-called “life experiences” can also be included. Communities around the world place a high value on educating people of all ages, whether formally or informally. It is widely believed that constant exposure to new ideas and skills makes people better workers, thinkers, and societal contributors.

When it comes to education, most people would think of schools and classrooms where trained teachers present information to students. Classroom learning generally starts when a child is relatively young and continues until the teenage years. The purpose of most classroom learning is not to prepare a child for a specific job, but rather to help him or her develop critical (批判的) reasoning and thinking skills. Reading, writing, and maths are very common lessons for young learners. As students progress in their schooling, they often come into contact with more challenging subjects like history and advanced sciences.

Different countries place different emphases on education, though schooling is a must for young children almost everywhere. Requirements are usually based on the belief that an educated person is best suited for advancement, both internally and internationally. In most places, childhood schooling is offered free of charge and university training in some places is also funded by the government.

Exposing students to new ideas and important facts is only part of most educational goals. Students are also expected to keep most of what they learn in their memory if not all of the information that they learn in school. Teachers and professors commonly use exams to measure learning. Standardized tests are one of the most popular ways of driving curricula (课程) and lesson planning throughout the world. These sorts of tests help make sure that all students are learning the same basic things, no matter who their teacher is or where they attend school.




首先,应通读短文,理解短文大意。本文是一篇说明文,分为4个段落,主要介绍了 教育的定义及形式、各国政府对教育的重视 以及狭义的教育,即学校教育(课堂学习) 的目的以及对教育评估的意义。



Para. 1: the definition and classification of education

Para. 2: the purpose of classroom learning

Para. 3: the importance attached to education

Para. 4: the meaning of assessment education


这个环节要求把每个段落的关键信息形 成合理的句子。关键信息形成合理的句子后 才能整合成篇章。合理的语言结构和句型能 够帮助浓缩语言内容。


(一) 要点陈列:

1. Education refers to the acquisition of information.

2. Education has different forms.

3. People can receive education in a formal

or an informal way.

4. Education is significant for both a person and our society.

5. Classroom learning aims to promote students’ thinking skills.

6. Great importance is attached to education throughout the world.

7. Exams are used to assess how well students perform academically. 8. Standardized tests make sure all of the students learn the same things.

(二)整合成句: 使用定语从句并用介词短语作状语,


Education, which has different forms, refers to the acquisition of information in both formal and informal ways.


Education is significant for both a person and our society, so great importance is attached to education throughout the world.

要点5保留,单独成句。 使用并列句将要点7-8整合为:Exams are used to assess how well students perform academically and standardized tests make sure all of the students learn the same things.


Education, which has different forms, refers to the acquisition of information in both formal and informal ways. Education is significant for both individuals and our society; therefore, throughout the world, governments attach great importance to education for all age groups. Classroom learning, a main form of formal education, aims to promote students’ thinking skills. Usually, exams are used to assess learners’ academic performance while standardized tests guarantee they have the equal access to fundamental learning materials.

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